InTheLandOf Much More!

I have a confession to make. I am a hoarder. I am a hoarder of thoughts and ideas. These thoughts often blossom into wonderful memories, essays, creations, dreams, moments, and empires. They are the bricks that help me build, and I store them in my heart and in my mind.

InTheLandofMara sprouted from a thought of one day owning a magazine. A dream I rescued from the recesses of my childhood memories. A dream that I didn’t fancy as fantasy but a reality I would one day need to experience. So on my 50th birthday, I announced publicly that I was launching my dézine to make myself accountable to my own heart’s desires. Then, I got scared, and it took me another year to launch. I did it at 51. I was a little girl happy for a long time. I showed up in the world the way I wanted to be seen. I took an idea to actuality. I cleared out some of those ideas taking up a lot of space in my creative body. In doing so, I allowed you to see inside my heart, head, dreams, and fantasies. You could see what has bounced around in the clouds of my universe for years.

The journey of actualizing this dream led to other discoveries. Mainly that the hoarder in me was really just archiving her life publicly. Her big, beautiful life. Her quiet and intimate life. Her Epic, Intimate life shared through personal musings and pictures. I also became quite fond of the idea that my life’s content lived on a platform I owned outside of the other major social media channels. Wow. On top of the 400 + stories I have produced for TV and film, I was now telling my personal story InTheLandOf Mara… my way.

And then, something monumental happened. A community joined me in this land. Being in direct conversation with the people who find themselves most in my work is always such a pleasure, especially hearing how you all have explored Play & Rest, Sanctuary Space, and of course, Writing Horny.

Together, you helped me build a campfire to tell stories. To be heard. To be seen. And campfires not only create community, they create LIGHT.

And I have attracted an opportunity that I didn’t see coming when I pitched a tent on this land a couple of years ago. I once heard your faith isn’t big enough if you’re afraid to tell God what you want. Needless to say, I haven’t been the same since. I have found it divinely orchestrated that even when I tell God my big dreams and act on co-creating them, they’ve always been surpassed generously and beautifully.

Basically, what I’m saying is something’s on deck y’all. The Land is growing, and the wheels of the plow are turning. So much so that I have to take a break from InTheLandofMara – the dézine. Essays will be taking a pause, although you may see me from time to time popping in to drop a playlist or something for the writers over on The Writers’ Colony pillar. The InTheLandofMara Instagram page will still continue to be active with the content that has brought us all so much joy (including new products and collaborations to be on the lookout for.)

I’m not one to say much about what’s coming next, as I believe in the gestation process, but I just want to express how I am having the greatest time by just doing the work and staying in flow of my personal mission — to live a creative life with a full heart. Can’t wait to come back when the dust settles and sit by the campfire with you all and share more of my story.

I wish you all the joy and adventure of following your heart’s desires, and God willing, I will see you soon!


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WORDS:  Mara Brock Akil
DATE:  04.07.2023
PHOTOS:  Mara Brock Akil Archives
  1. Joan Fullmore says:

    You are a great legendary storyteller full of wisdom, humor, and nuanced details so relatable! Bravo to you on all your projects.

  2. Mayen Udoh says:

    I truly enjoy all that you do. Thank you for showing up as your authentic self and sharing your light and your life’s work with us all you are truly an inspiration to me to stand tall and bright. I am excited about all there is to come.

  3. Felichia Chivaughn says:

    Campfires also remind me that the greatest things can start as a small flicker of faith. Thank you Mara

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